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Homemade sausage
It's impossible to imagine authentic Ukrainian cuisine without homemade sausage. This is an absolutely natural and unique product. Meat (often pork, sometimes beef) and salo (pork fat) are used in order to cook homemade sausage. Pig's gut is stuffed with meat and salo, boiled, and then fried on pan or baked in oven Homemade sausage is traditional Ukrainian dish cooked all around the country. Its recipe is basically the same in all regions, but housewives often add something special to it. For in
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The golubsti (cabbage rolls) is a traditional Ukrainian dish. It is a peculiar cabbage roll stuffed with minced meat and rice, and braised in tomato sauce. Such a combination of products provides cabbage rolls with an unusual taste. The Ukrainian golubtsi bear strong resemblance to Turkish dolma. However there is a considerable difference. It consists in leaves that cover the stuffing: the dolma is coated in grape leave instead of cabbage one The traditional stuffing for Ukrainian golubtsi is r
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Chicken Kiev
The Chicken Kiev is one of the most famous Ukrainian dishes – an indispensable position in world restaurant’s menus. The origins of Chicken Kiev are very tangled. Every country tries to claim their rights onto inventing this exquisite and unusual dish. The French, German, Russian, and even American cuisine tried to authenticate their authorship of this dish. Whoever was the inventor, the Chicken Kiev is known and well-loved all over the world under this name. Moreover, even UK’s consumer basket
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Along with vareniki and salo, galushki is a very popular Ukrainian dish. It is a dumpling made of dough then boiled in water, milk or broth. They are cooked mostly with flour, adding semolina, cottage cheese or grated apples. The galushki are easily cooked, and their recipes aren’t very varied. However, there are some variants that depend on a region; for example, the Southern Ukraine boasts galushki in tomato sauce. The galushki is a second course, and they are served with sour cream, sometime
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Roast is traditional Ukrainian meat dish that has no analogues in the world. Its main ingredients are meat and vegetables. Roast is regularly made from pork, because, contrary to other kinds of meat, it makes the broth rich enough. Roast recipes are not many - basically it's cooked identically all over Ukraine, having variations only in serving. Roast's peculiarity is that it is cooked in earthen pots, which adds special taste to the dish. In old times roast was cooked not in pots, but in bread
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Salad with Ramsons and Home-Made Cottage Cheese
In early spring, the one of the most vitamin-rich products is the ramsons; that is why the ramsons salad is not only a mouth-watering dish, but also can support the organism in its fight against vitamin deficiency.
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It is a worldwide famous dish. Of course, it is well-loved and praise mostly in Slavic countries, however, the simple Ukrainian dish is popular throughout Europe. The deruni (potatoes pancakes) is almost unvaried around Ukraine. Even Ukrainian classical writers gave credits to this dish, describing it in their literary works. The traditional deruni
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Vareniki with Cherries
If you've read 'Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka' by Russian classical writer Nikolai Gogol, you surely remember how adroitly one of the characters ate vareniki with sour cream that flew into his mouth by themselves. Of course, traditional Ukrainian vareniki don't have such super skills, but their taste is sure to make you think of the Ukrainian cui
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Hutsul Banush
The banush is a traditional Hutsul dish. It is predominantly cooked during holidays or feasts in mountain area or the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. It is always served hot. According to the legends, no one could stay indifferent after tasting this national dish.
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