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Hrechaniks with Meat
The hrechaniks with meat are soft, tender cutlets made with buckwheat and mince meat. So it can be served as a main course or a side dish. You can use any mince meat to your taste. The dish is usually served with either tomato or garlic sauce, and salad.
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Hutsul Banush
The banush is a traditional Hutsul dish. It is predominantly cooked during holidays or feasts in mountain area or the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. It is always served hot. According to the legends, no one could stay indifferent after tasting this national dish.
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Pumpkin Porridge with Cereals
The pumpkin is a very beneficial product that is consumed almost all year long in Ukraine. The age-old Ukrainian pumpkin porridge is made with cereals; however the modern cookers use rice instead. Another contemporary complements to the porridge are raisins, dried pears, apricots and other dried fruits.
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Lamb Dushenina
The Lamb Dushenina is an age-old national Ukrainian dish, that as a matter of fact is meat braised with vegetables, however the vegetables are the subject to every cooker and their selection depends on his tastes and preferences. The dish is cooked either in a deep casserole over stove, or in a clay pot in oven, that also depends on cooker’s wish.
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It is a worldwide famous dish. Of course, it is well-loved and praise mostly in Slavic countries, however, the simple Ukrainian dish is popular throughout Europe. The deruni (potatoes pancakes) is almost unvaried around Ukraine. Even Ukrainian classical writers gave credits to this dish, describing it in their literary works. The traditional deruni is a second course. It is usually served with sour cream without side dish for dinner. Nevertheless, the deruni might be served for breakfast because
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Lazy vareniki
Lazy vareniki is a traditional Ukrainian dish. They are called lazy, while they demand less cooking time and efforts than traditional ones. It is nothing else, but boiled dough mixed with stuffing - mostly curd. Lazy vareniki can be also made with potatoes, meat or mushrooms. Depending on stuffing they may be salty or sweet. Both are served with sour cream, though. In addition, sweet vareniki are sprinkled with icing sugar or poured over with syrup. It is healthy, fast, and tasty breakfast.
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Vareniki with Potatoes
If you've read 'Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka' by Russian classical writer Nikolai Gogol, you surely remember how adroitly one of the characters ate vareniki with sour cream that flew into his mouth by themselves. Of course, traditional Ukrainian vareniki don't have such super skills, but their taste is sure to make you think of the Ukrainian cuisine's magic. Ukrainian vareniki are often compared to Russian pelmeni or Italian ravioli. Vareniki's crucial difference from other similar dishes is
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Vareniki with Cabbage
If you've read 'Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka' by Russian classical writer Nikolai Gogol, you surely remember how adroitly one of the characters ate vareniki with sour cream that flew into his mouth by themselves. Of course, traditional Ukrainian vareniki don't have such super skills, but their taste is sure to make you think of the Ukrainian cuisine's magic. Ukrainian vareniki are often compared to Russian pelmeni or Italian ravioli. Vareniki's crucial difference from other similar dishes is
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Potato zrazy
Although they were invented in Lithuania, potato zrazy are traditional Ukrainian dish - Ukrainians substantially changed and enriched the recipe. Ukrainian zrazy are stuffed potato. The filling can be different: meat, cabbage or mushrooms. Along with majority Ukrainian dishes zrazy are very rich, therefore, 2-3 pieces are enough to satisfy hunger pangs for a long time. Zrazy are traditionally served with sour cream or tomato sauce for dinner or supper. It's not recommended to eat this dish for
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Fried fish
Fish dishes are very spread in Ukrainian cuisine. Everything, from soups and fish cakes to fish jelly, is made from it. However, fish is mostly just fried in Ukraine. As a rule, fried fish is served as second course for both, festive and everyday tables. The simplest recipe is to roll fish in flour and then fry it in vegetable oil. There are several ways to fry fish, depending on its size. If fish is hand-size, it is fried in one piece. If it is larger, it's sliced in pieces and each of them is
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Dressed herring
In Ukraine dressed herring is mostly served at New Year celebration. It originated in Russia in the early 20th century and then spread to all former USSR cuisines including Ukrainian. Since then Shuba (literally: fur coat; colloquial name for dressed herring) is rightly considered to be national Ukrainian dish. Shuba is multicomponent dish. Its mai
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Green borsht
The green borsht is a very popular dish in Ukraine. It was nicknamed the Spring borsht because of abundance of herbs and vegetables used as ingredients. During summer months, this borsht made with water is served cooled, in the winter months it is cooked with meat stock. Its name “the green borsht” is literal because the soup has green colour. Mos
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Meat Rolls with Mushrooms
The meat rolls, or kruchenyky are commonly appraised among other dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, and there are many variants of recipe. Any meat and almost any stuffing could be used therefore every Ukrainian cooker prepares its signature kruchenyky.
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Verguny is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. It is a confectionery from batter fried in high quantity of vegetable oil and covered with icing sugar. Cognac, rum or vodka are often added to verguny's batter, in order to make them piquant. If you roll out the paste very thin, verguny will be crispy, if you make it thicker, they will come out soft lik
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