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Pepper Mezhivo
The mezhivo is an authentic Ukrainian dish. It can be cooked with pepper, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, plums, beetroot, marrow, etc. The mezhivo is frequently made during fast.
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Cod Liver on Toasts
The cod liver is a great compliment to alcoholic beverage due to its high fat content.
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Eggplant Rolls
There are a lot of variants of this dish; nevertheless the main ingredients – eggplants, garlic and mayonnaise – are always the same. This cooking of this appetizer won’t take long therefore it can be served piping hot.
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Baked buns with chicken and mushrooms
The farinaceous food is widely common in Ukrainian cuisine. The one of the most popular dishes is buns (pyrizhky). They are crescent-shaped or long-shaped stuffed pastry buns. In old times, they were the protagonist of every feast in Ukrainian house. Buns can be baked or fried; made of yeast dough or short pastry; they can be sweet or savory. Also they can have different stuffing. For example, savory buns are filled with meat, potatoes, cabbage, salo, haricot beans, or liver. The sweet one is co
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Fried buns with potatoes
Fried bun is a great and versatile dish. It can be served as an appetizer, as well as a main course. The fried buns differ from the baked one in cooking techniques and flavors. Because of being fried, the buns have a golden crisp. These buns are very tasty and possess inimitable smell.
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Meat buns
The farinaceous food is widely common in Ukrainian cuisine. The one of the most popular dishes is buns (pyrizhky). They are crescent-shaped or long-shaped stuffed pastry buns. In old times, they were the protagonist of every feast in Ukrainian house. Buns can be baked or fried; made of yeast dough or short pastry; they can be sweet or savory. Also they can have different stuffing. For example, savory buns are filled with meat, potatoes, cabbage, salo, haricot beans, or liver. The sweet one is co
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Marrow paste
The fertile Ukrainian soil always gives a great marrow’s harvest therefore the marrow paste is one of the well-loved summer dishes of Ukrainian. The marrow paste is spread over bread or simply eaten with a spoon. It’s a great appetizer or compliment to any dish. Besides marrows, the paste boasts onions and carrots, in particular. Also there are several cooking methods: the paste can be fried or braised. The fried paste is made of the same ingredients however it isn’t braised therefore the veget
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Pancakes with mushrooms
Nalystnyks i.e. stuffed thin pancakes, is a traditional Ukrainian dish, which is rather simply to cook. Its stuffing varies a lot. If one uses the savory stuffing (mushrooms or meat), it is served as a main course, if the stuffing is sweet (fruits or berries), they are served as a dessert. One of the most popular nalystnyks is the one stuffed with cottage cheese. It is national Ukrainian breakfast. It is a quick-to-cook dish that possesses inimitable taste and provides lots of energy and vitami
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Salo with garlic
Unmistakable smell, inimitable taste, different recipes are the main characteristics of salo, the visit card of generous Ukrainian soil. Salo is a principal national dish of Ukraine that always is present on festive table. Salo is an animal fat, mostly, the pork one. It contains lots of A, D, E vitamins, and carotene. There are a lot of recipes of salo – it can be salted, smoked, fried, or boiled. The best way to serve it is a canapé style – it is a piece of black bread, covered with thin piece
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Shynka (baked ham) is a traditional Ukrainian dish. It is cooked of piece of meat (chiefly of pork) seasoned with salt, pepper, minced garlic and other spices before baking it in the oven. As many Ukrainian dishes, the shynka has it overseas analogues. Therefore, Austria and Germany boasts Schweinsbraten, and Quebec has rôti de porc, which literally means “baked pork”. In Russia, it is made of mutton or even bear meat and it is called buzhenina. The shynka is traditionally baked in aluminum foi
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Lamb Dushenina
The Lamb Dushenina is an age-old national Ukrainian dish, that as a matter of fact is meat braised with vegetables, however the vegetables are the subject to every cooker and their selection depends on his tastes and preferences. The dish is cooked either in a deep casserole over stove, or in a clay pot in oven, that also depends on cooker’s wish.
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Thick Pancakes with Apples
In Ukraine thick pancakes are traditionally served for breakfast. These are small puffy pancakes fried from both sides on the pan. They can be of different kinds: sweet, salted, with or without filling. Sweet thick pancakes with raspberries or apples are the regular choice for breakfast. Along with many other Ukrainian dishes, pancakes are served w
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Dressed herring
In Ukraine dressed herring is mostly served at New Year celebration. It originated in Russia in the early 20th century and then spread to all former USSR cuisines including Ukrainian. Since then Shuba (literally: fur coat; colloquial name for dressed herring) is rightly considered to be national Ukrainian dish. Shuba is multicomponent dish. Its mai
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Verguny is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. It is a confectionery from batter fried in high quantity of vegetable oil and covered with icing sugar. Cognac, rum or vodka are often added to verguny's batter, in order to make them piquant. If you roll out the paste very thin, verguny will be crispy, if you make it thicker, they will come out soft lik
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