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Cottage cheese pancakes
Cottage cheese pancakes are national Ukrainian dish, with curd being its main ingredient. Many ask why curd pancakes are called 'cottage cheese pancakes'! The answer is simple: in Ukraine curd is commonly called cottage cheese, and from here the dish's name derives. The main ingredients are curd (dry is the best), eggs and flour. The pancakes may be sweet or salted, with or without filling. Many housewives also add apples, dried fruits, raisins, nuts and other ingredients upon their taste. The m
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Thick Pancakes with Apples
In Ukraine thick pancakes are traditionally served for breakfast. These are small puffy pancakes fried from both sides on the pan. They can be of different kinds: sweet, salted, with or without filling. Sweet thick pancakes with raspberries or apples are the regular choice for breakfast. Along with many other Ukrainian dishes, pancakes are served with sour cream, sometimes also with honey, jam and different syrups. Due to simple recipe, thick pancakes are the most popular and widespread breakfas
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Thick Pancakes
In Ukraine thick pancakes are traditionally served for breakfast. These are small puffy pancakes fried from both sides on the pan. They can be of different kinds: sweet, salted, with or without filling. Sweet thick pancakes with raspberries or apples are the regular choice for breakfast. Along with many other Ukrainian dishes, pancakes are served with sour cream, sometimes also with honey, jam and different syrups. Due to simple recipe, thick pancakes are the most popular and widespread breakfas
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Sochniki is a traditional Ukrainian delicacy. This Ukrainians' favorite desert is a small cottage cheese patty from sweet short pastry. The cottage cheese can be not only a stuffing, though, but a component of the dough for sochniki. Some stuff sochniki with different berries and fruits: cherry, strawberry, blueberry and other. They are served as a desert to tea.
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Cottage cheese galushki
Along with vareniki and salo, galushki is a very popular Ukrainian dish. It is a dumpling made of dough then boiled in water, milk or broth. They are cooked mostly with flour, adding semolina, cottage cheese or grated apples. The galushki are easily cooked, and their recipes aren’t very varied. However, there are some variants that depend on a region; for example, the Southern Ukraine boasts galushki in tomato sauce. Galushki is a second course, and they are served with sour cream, sometimes wi
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Apples baked in pastry
The apple baked in pastry is one of the most popular Ukrainian desserts – a real classic of national cuisine. Its ingredients are exclusively natural and very beneficial products as apples, honey and walnuts. The mix of honey and walnuts gives the dessert an inimitable fragrance. Some housewives prefer to add raisins and dried apricots into the stuffing, the other might stir some jam, caramel, or toffee therefore the apple will be sweeter. It depends on imagination and preferences. It’s better
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Mushroom Lawn
This salad is a common guest at the Ukrainian feasts and it became the indispensable component of the holidays in many families long ago. The good combination of meat and mushroom is responsible for nutritious properties and magnificent flavor.
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Biscuits Baturin
The biscuits or korzhiks Baturin are tasty and aromatic dessert to tea. They are very easy-to-cook, besides any nuts can be used to make them.
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Salad with Liver and Haricot Beans
It is an unusual but very tasty and original salad. It can catch the liver’s fans fancy; also both beef and chicken liver could be used for salad.
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Salad with Egg Pancakes
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