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Salad with Leek and Apples
This airy salad is definitely applied to the contemporary Ukrainian cuisine. It is better to eat the salad for breakfast, however due to high level of vitamin it can provide the energy and strength all day long.
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Meat Salad
It is a very nutritious and tasty winter salad. The main ingredient is meat. Every meat can suit, so it is possible to choose it to taste.
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Varya Hutsulska
This low-fat, tasty salad is very popular in Ukraine during fast. Either cooked or canned haricot beans can be used.
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Salad Kiev with Meatballs
It is one of many Ukrainian winter salads. It boasts good flavor and nutritious properties, and due to meatballs it can be served as a main course.
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Salad Kiev
The finished salad is a light and beneficial vitamin cocktail, which will compliment any meal. The combination of apples and cinnamon will add special zest to the salad.
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Vegetables Salad
It is a light vegetables salad that will compliment any meat dish or garnish, and its preparation won’t take long.
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It’s a traditional Ukrainian salad. The vegetables add the freshness to the salad, and the sausage and potatoes make it a nutritious meal.
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Salad with Chicken and Mushrooms
This salad rose to fame due to successful combination of chicken, cheese and mushrooms. The garlic croutons add the special piquancy.
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Salad «Pokhrustim»
It’s is an unusual salad for smoked food’s lovers. The salad boasts a successful combination of the piquancy crispy pig’s ears and the freshness of cucumbers.
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It is a contemporary Ukrainian cuisine’s salad. They say that it was invented by the chef of Chernivtsi restaurant “Dnister” in 1960s. Also, this salad gained prize-winning place at the all-USSR culinary contest.
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Meat Rolls with Mushrooms
The meat rolls, or kruchenyky are commonly appraised among other dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, and there are many variants of recipe. Any meat and almost any stuffing could be used therefore every Ukrainian cooker prepares its signature kruchenyky.
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Potaptsi with Tomatoes
It is very tasty Ukrainian appetizer that always comes to help when one is pressed in time. The dish is easy and simple to cook, and it is served hot.
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Along with vareniki and salo, galushki is a very popular Ukrainian dish. It is a dumpling made of dough then boiled in water, milk or broth. They are cooked mostly with flour, adding semolina, cottage cheese or grated apples. The galushki are easily cooked, and their recipes aren’t very varied. However, there are some variants that depend on a reg
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Potato Babka Stuffed with Mushrooms
It is a wonderful and mouth-watering dish that will help out when you are pressed in time. It is easy-to-cook but it will definitely diversify your daily fare. The potato babka can be served as an original side dish, or as a main course.
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